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A Best-Selling
Books by
Enrico Coletti

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The Day of All Days

La mia Storia

Enrico Coletti ha frequentato la New York University - Ticsh School of the Arts - Drama department, dove ha seguito per quattro anni le specializzazioni in Film & Television, Cinema Studies. Enrico fa parte dell'Accademia del Cinema Italiano e del Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani (SNGCI).
Scrittore, giornalista, produttore cinematografico, regista e sceneggiatore.

My Story

Enrico Coletti attended New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where he studied for four years in the Drama Department, specializing in film, television and cinematic studies. He is a film director, screenwriter and producer, as well as a journalist. This is his first novel.

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Il Pubblico - The Public

This book enchanted me

A Day of Days enchanted me, fascinated me and managed to project me into the story. I lived the reading of the book "from within" together with the cosmopolitan crowd of the protagonists of the story, with whom I shared amazements, dramas, loves, defeats and successes. It is the first time, at least for me, that an archaeological event, the discovery of the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun, has managed to fascinate me to the point of reading the book in one breath.

I thank the author for having revealed to me after 3,300 years, with a breathtaking story, the mysterious world of the ancient Egyptians, the complex world of archaeologists and their eccentric patrons and that colorful côté of characters that animate the story: from famous thieves of historical artifacts to Lawrence of Arabia, up to some European royal families ...

For me, the book, so attentive to historical reconstruction, supported by astonishing metaphysical digressions, will by right become part of the essential texts for those who want to know the story of the very young pharaoh Tutankhamun, and when we will visit the museum that collects his he will materialize in the features described in the book, very young, beautiful, fragile, but stubbornly determined to defend his role and the search for the reasons that led to the total removal of his predecessor and father from the history of his family by his ruthless controllers: the priestly class.

Tutankhamun a character to be admired, remembered and loved.

Maria Cristina M. Roma

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